Google drive file stream settings
Google drive file stream settings

Log into your Connect account by going to Google and clicking the Sign in button at the top right. Note: Please use your UCSB Connect Google account! Steps:ġ. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of Google Drive as well as how to use Drive File Stream. File Stream facilitates file synchronization across multiple devices, and is good for devices with limited storage, but requires Internet access as by default the files stay on the Google Drive server and are downloaded (streamed) to the device upon access. File Stream provides access to the contents of one's Google Drive without making and synchronizing local copies of each file. It offers unlimited storage and can host files of all types. You can also change settings by clicking on the options menu, whose icon is three dots (PC, left) or a gear/cog (Mac. Stream is up to date, locally stored files, etc. Here you can change the drive letter to something other than G or switch accounts if want to access another google account's drive. Click on the gear symbol and then Preferences. The Google Drive for Desktop service (formerly known as Google File Stream) is a desktop solution created by Google which allows users to quickly access. It is a convenient platform for storing and sharing files on the Internet. Google Drive File Stream may be found in the Start Menu (under Drive File Stream) and also may be found in the system tray (near the clock) by clicking the up chevron. Settings To get to Drive for Desktop's settings, go the system tray and click on the Google Drive symbol.

google drive file stream settings

(This works on both Windows and OS X. Google Drive is cloud-based file storage for anyone with a Connect account. Follow this link to install Drive File Stream - or - log into your Google Drive account, click the settings icon in the top right, and choose toGet Drive File Stream. What are Google Drive and Drive File Stream?

Google drive file stream settings